DSpace 7 Handle Server Configuration
local.cfg or dspace.cfg configuration
# Canonical Handle URL prefix
handle.canonical.prefix = https://hdl.handle.net/
# CNRI Handle prefix
handle.prefix = your-prefix
# Directory for installing Handle server files
handle.dir = ${dspace.dir}/handle-server
Go to Terminal, run command:
Will this be a "primary" server (ie, not a mirror of another server)?(y/n) [y]: y
Will this be a dual-stack server (accessible on both IPv6 and IPv4)?(y/n) [n]: n
Through what network-accessible IP address should clients connect to this server? []: YOUR IP ADDRES
If different, enter the IP address to which the server should bind. []: YOUR IP ADDRES
Enter the (TCP/UDP) port number this server will listen to [2641]: 2641
What port number will the HTTP interface be listening to? [8000]: 8000
Would you like to log all accesses to this server?(y/n) [y]: y
Please indicate whether log files should be automatically
rotated, and if so, how often.
("N" (Never), "M" (Monthly), "W" (Weekly), or "D" (Daily))? [Monthly] : M
NOTE: Log rotation will be done on the first of each month.
Each handle site has a version/serial number assigned to it. This is so that a client can tell if a particular
site's configuration has changed since the last time it accessed a server in the site. Every time you modify a site
(by changing an IP address, port, or adding a server, etc), you should increment the version/serial number for that site.
Enter the version/serial number of this site [1]: 1
Please enter a short description of this server/site: Uni Repository
Please enter the name of your organization: MyUni University
Please enter the name of a contact person for Sabanci University (optional) [(none)]: Mehmet Demirel
Please enter the telephone number of Mehmet Demirel or of MyUni University (optional) [(none)]: 90 5xx xxx xxxx
Please enter the email address of Mehmet Demirel or of MyUni University: [email protected]
The handle server can communicate via UDP and/or TCP sockets. Since UDP messages are blocked by many network firewalls, you may want to disable UDP services if you are behind such a firewall.
Do you need to disable UDP services?(y/n) [n]: n
Generating keys for: Server Certification
The private key that is about to be generated should be stored in an encrypted form on your computer. Encryption of the
private key requires that you choose a secret passphrase that will need to be entered whenever the server is started.
Note: Your private key may be stored unencrypted if you so choose.
Please take all precautions to make sure that only authorized users can read your private key.
Would you like to encrypt your private key?(y/n) [y]: y
Please enter the private key passphrase for Server Certification:
Note: Your passphrase will be displayed as it is entered
Please re-enter the private key passphrase:
Generating keys for: Administration
The private key that is about to be generated should be stored in an encrypted form on your computer. Encryption of the
private key requires that you choose a secret passphrase that will need to be entered whenever the server is started.
Note: Your private key may be stored unencrypted if you so choose.
Please take all precautions to make sure that only authorized users can read your private key.
Would you like to encrypt your private key?(y/n) [y]: y
Please enter the private key passphrase for Administration:
Note: Your passphrase will be displayed as it is entered
Please re-enter the private key passphrase:
Note: Your passphrase will be displayed as it is entered
Generating site info record...
You have finished configuring your (primary) Handle service.
This service now needs to be registered with your prefix administrator. Organizations credentialed by DONA to register prefixes are listed at the dona.net website.
If your prefix administrator is CNRI, go to http://hdl.handle.net/20.1000/111 to register to become a resolution service provider and then upload your newly created sitebndl.zip file. Please read the instructions on this page carefully. When the handle administrator receives your file, a prefix will be created and you will receive notification via email.
Please send all questions to your prefix administrator,
if CNRI at [email protected].
DSpace 7 Handle Server Configuration