DSpace 7.4 is available now! DSpace 7.4 Release Notes
DSpace 7.4 is available now!
To try out DSpace 7.4 immediately, see Try out DSpace 7. This includes instructions for a quick-install via Docker, as well as information on our sandbox/demo site for DSpace 7.
To upgrade to DSpace 7.4 from 7.x or any prior version, see Upgrading DSpace.
To install DSpace 7.4 for the first time, see Installing DSpace.
- Download DSpace 7.4 Backend: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/releases/tag/dspace-7.4
- Download DSpace 7.4 User Interface: https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/releases/tag/dspace-7.4
DSpace 7.4 provides new features & bug fixes to the 7.x platform.
New and improved features include:
- Recent Submissions are now listed on the homepage. (See "recentSubmissions" options) (donated by DSpaceDirect, developed by DSquare Technologies)
- Batch export (to Zip) of Collections or Items available in the Admin UI
- Batch import (from Zip) available in the Admin UI.
- Thumbnails are now displayed in all search/browse screens. (See "showThumbnails" option) (donated by Michael Spalti, Willamette University)
- Support for Google Captcha on "New user registration" form. (See "registration.verification.enabled" in dspace.cfg) (donated by 4Science)
- Support for Google Analytics 4 (“Universal Analytics” is still also supported)
- Support for Markdown, HTML and MathJax in Item abstracts. Support for line breaks in all metadata fields.
- Support for Remote Handle Resolver now included, allowing for Handle Server to be run remotely.
- Enhanced support for Amazon S3 as a storage location, including support for IAM Roles.
- Allow for deletion of old Processes from the Admin UI. Bulk deletion script (process-cleaner) also available.
- Request a Copy can now be sent to multiple recipients at once (donated by Mark Wood, IUPUI)
- Privacy statement and end user agreement can now be disabled. (See "info" options)
- Add configurations for page sizes to many browse/search pages. (See various "pageSize" options in User Interface Configuration) (donated by Mark Wood, IUPUI, and Mark Cooper, LYRASIS)
Major bug fixes / improvements include:
- Fixed issue where “start-handle-server” command line tool wasn’t working properly (donated by Jean-François Morin, Université Laval and Mark Wood, IUPUI)
- MyDSpace: Entities are now displayed properly, workflow tasks now refresh after state change
- Submission: After drag & drop of a file, the user goes directly to the submission form. (donated by Nicolas Boulay, Université Laval)
- Statistics: fixed issue where file names were sometimes missing or replaced by UUID.
- Thumbnails: restricted thumbnails are now supported and are displayed if you have access.
- Search: admins were seeing private/withdrawn items in normal searches. Those now are only visible in the “Admin Search” page.
- Browse by pages: fixed issue where pagination was not working properly on all browse by pages and diacritics were not working properly in filter boxes
- Curation tasks: the output of the task is now visible from the Admin UI.
- Password authentication security enhancements: user must provide current password when changing their password. Password minimum requirements are now configurable, allowing for you to require users to create more secure passwords (See "authentication-password.regex-validation.pattern" in dspace.cfg)
- Shibboleth authentication: Admin menu now reloads automatically after login
- Numerous caching & performance fixes to ensure various pages will now automatically refresh whenever underlying objects change.
- See the 7.4 milestone for frontend and backend for a list of all changes applied in 7.4.
New/Updated Language support:
- Finnish (Suomi) language updates donated by Reeta Kuuskoski (reetagithub)
- French (Français) language updates donated by Pierre Lasou (pilasou)
- German (Deutsch) language updates donated by Sascha Szott (saschaszott)
- Greek (Ελληνικά) language added & donated by Kostis Alexandris (kostisalex)
- Hindi (हिंदी) language added & donated by DSquare Technologies
- Kazakh (Қазақ) language added & donated by myrza1
- Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) updates donated by João Fernandes (joao-uefrom), lucaszc and Danilo Felicio Jr (danilofjr)
- Spanish (Español) language updates donated by Arvo Consultores y Tecnología. S.L
- Swedish (Svenska) language added & donated by Urban Andersson (jokermanse). Additional updates donated by Reeta Kuuskoski (reetagithub)
7.4 Acknowledgments
The DSpace application would not exist without the hard work and support of its community. Thank you to the many developers who have worked very hard to deliver all the new features and improvements. We deeply appreciate the financial contributions by those institutions that have contributed to the DSpace Development Fund. Also, thanks to the users who provided input and feedback on the development, those who contributed documentation as well those who participated in the testathons.
Development Acknowledgments
A total of 49 unique individuals contributed to 7.4, with major institutional contributions coming from 4Science and Atmire.
Frontend / User Interface Acknowledgments
The following 39 individuals have contributed directly to the new DSpace (Angular) User Interface in this release (ordered by number of GitHub commits): Yury Bondarenko (ybnd), Michael Spalti (mspalti), Giuseppe Digilio (atarix83), Davide Negretti (davidenegretti-4science), Lotte Hofstede (LotteHofstede), nikunj59, Peter Wolfersberger (hpwBLN), Tim Donohue (tdonohue), Samuel Cambien (samuelcambien), Art Lowel (artlowel), Mark Wood (mwoodiupui), Alexandre Vryghem (alexandrevryghem), Pierre Lasou (pilasou), Vincenzo Mecca (vins01-4science), myrza1, Yana De Pauw (YanaDePauw), lucaszc, Abhishek Raval (abhishekd2t), GauravD2t, Danilo Felicio Jr (danilofjr), Kostis Alexandris (kostisalex), Kristof De Langhe (Atmire-Kristof), Mark Cooper (mark-cooper), Toni Prieto (toniprieto), FelixNicol, João Fernandes (joao-uefrom), dsteelma-umd, Kostas Stamatis (kstamatis), Corrado Lombardi (corrad82-4s), Sergio Fernández Celorio (sergius02), Urban Andersson (jokermanse), yingjin, Ian van der Linde (Ianvdl), Andrea Bollini (abollini), Hardy Pottinger (hardyoyo), Reeta Kuuskoski (reetagithub), Sascha Szott (saschaszott), Kim Shepherd (kshepherd), Nicolas Boulay (nibou230)
The above contributor lists were determined based on contributions to the "dspace-angular" project in GitHub between 7.3 (after June 24, 2022) and 7.4: https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/graphs/contributors?from=2022-06-24&to=2022-10-06&type=c
Backend / REST API Acknowledgments
The following 20 individuals have contributed directly to the DSpace backend (REST API, Java API, OAI-PMH, etc.) in this release (ordered by number of GitHub commits): Michele Boychuk (Micheleboychuk), Luca Giamminonni (LucaGiamminonni), Vincenzo Mecca (vins01-4science), Michael Spalti (mspalti), Tim Donohue (tdonohue), Francesco Pio Scognamiglio (francescopioscognamiglio), Mark Wood (mwoodiupui), Philipp Rumpf (philipprumpf), ammanabrolua, Andrea Bollini (abollini), Yury Bondarenko (ybnd), eskander17, Kim Shepherd (kshepherd), ballarinie, Davide Negretti (davidenegretti-4science), Toni Prieto (toniprieto), Ben Bosman (benbosman), Samuel Cambien (samuelcambien), Marie Verdonck (MarieVerdonck), (jeffmorin)
The above contributor list was determined based on contributions to the "DSpace" project in GitHub between 7.3 (after June 24, 2022) and 7.4: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/graphs/contributors?from=2022-06-24&to=2022-10-06&type=c
Financial Acknowledgments
We gratefully recognize those institutions who have generously pledged to financially support one or more 7.x releases via the DSpace Development Fund. A list of those funders can be found on the DSpace Development Fund page.
DSpace 7.4 is available now!